ec opa check
Check Rego source files
Check Rego source files for parse and compilation errors.
If the 'check' command succeeds in parsing and compiling the source file(s), no output is produced. If the parsing or compiling fails, 'check' will output the errors and exit with a non-zero exit code.
ec opa check <path> [path [...]] [flags]
- -b, --bundle
load paths as bundle files or root directories (Default: false)
- --capabilities
set capabilities version or capabilities.json file path
- -f, --format
set output format (Default: pretty)
- -h, --help
help for check (Default: false)
- --ignore
set file and directory names to ignore during loading (e.g., '.*' excludes hidden files) (Default: [])
- -m, --max-errors
set the number of errors to allow before compilation fails early (Default: 10)
- --rego-v1
check for Rego v1 compatibility (policies must also be compatible with current OPA version) (Default: false)
- -s, --schema
set schema file path or directory path
- -S, --strict
enable compiler strict mode (Default: false)
- --v0-compatible
opt-in to OPA features and behaviors prior to the OPA v1.0 release. Takes precedence over --v1-compatible (Default: false)
- --v1-compatible
opt-in to OPA features and behaviors that are enabled by default in OPA v1.0 (Default: false)
Options inherited from parent commands
- --debug
same as verbose but also show function names and line numbers (Default: false)
- --kubeconfig
path to the Kubernetes config file to use
- --logfile
file to write the logging output. If not specified logging output will be written to stderr
- --quiet
less verbose output (Default: false)
- --timeout
max overall execution duration (Default: 5m0s)
- --trace
enable trace logging, set one or more comma separated values: none,all,perf,cpu,mem,opa,log (Default: none)
- --verbose
more verbose output (Default: false)