ec opa sign
Generate an OPA bundle signature
Generate an OPA bundle signature.
The 'sign' command generates a digital signature for policy bundles. It generates a ".signatures.json" file that dictates which files should be included in the bundle, what their SHA hashes are, and is cryptographically secure.
The signatures file is a JSON file with an array containing a single JSON Web Token (JWT) that encapsulates the signature for the bundle.
The --signing-alg flag can be used to specify the algorithm to sign the token. The 'sign' command uses RS256 (by default) as the signing algorithm. See for a list of supported signing algorithms.
The key to be used for signing the JWT MUST be provided using the --signing-key flag. For example, for RSA family of algorithms, the command expects a PEM file containing the private key. For HMAC family of algorithms (eg. HS256), the secret can be provided using the --signing-key flag.
OPA 'sign' can ONLY be used with the --bundle flag to load paths that refer to existing bundle files or directories following the bundle structure.
$ opa sign --signing-key /path/to/private_key.pem --bundle foo
Where foo has the following structure:
foo/ | +-- bar/ | | | +-- data.json | +-- policy.rego | +-- .manifest
This will create a ".signatures.json" file in the current directory. The --output-file-path flag can be used to specify a different location for the ".signatures.json" file.
The content of the ".signatures.json" file is shown below:
{ "signatures": [ "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJmaWxlcyI6W3sibmFtZSI6Ii5tYW5pZmVzdCIsImhhc2giOiIxODc0NWRlNzJjMDFlODBjZDlmNTIwZjQxOGMwMDlhYzRkMmMzZDAyYjE3YTUwZTJkMDQyMTU4YmMzNTJhMzJkIiwiYWxnb3JpdGhtIjoiU0hBLTI1NiJ9LHsibmFtZSI6ImJhci9kYXRhLmpzb24iLCJoYXNoIjoiOTNhMjM5NzFhOTE0ZTVlYWNiZjBhOGQyNTE1NGNkYTMwOWMzYzFjNzJmYmI5OTE0ZDQ3YzYwZjNjYjY4MTU4OCIsImFsZ29yaXRobSI6IlNIQS0yNTYifSx7Im5hbWUiOiJwb2xpY3kucmVnbyIsImhhc2giOiJkMGYyNDJhYWUzNGRiNTRlZjU2NmJlYTRkNDVmY2YxOTcwMGM1ZDhmODdhOWRiOTMyZGZhZDZkMWYwZjI5MWFjIiwiYWxnb3JpdGhtIjoiU0hBLTI1NiJ9XX0.lNsmRqrmT1JI4Z_zpY6IzHRZQAU306PyOjZ6osquixPuTtdSBxgbsdKDcp7Civw3B77BgygVsvx4k3fYr8XCDKChm0uYKScrpFr9_yS6g5mVTQws3KZncZXCQHdupRFoqMS8vXAVgJr52C83AinYWABwH2RYq_B0ZPf_GDzaMgzpep9RlDNecGs57_4zlyxmP2ESU8kjfX8jAA6rYFKeGXJHMD-j4SassoYIzYRv9YkHx8F8Y2ae5Kd5M24Ql0kkvqc_4eO_T9s4nbQ4q5qGHGE-91ND1KVn2avcUyVVPc0-XCR7EH8HnHgCl0v1c7gX1RL7ET7NJbPzfmzQAzk0ZW0dEHI4KZnXSpqy8m-3zAc8kIARm2QwoNEWpy3MWiooPeZVSa9d5iw1aLrbyumfjBP0vCQEPes-Aa6PrARwd5jR9SacO5By0-4emzskvJYRZqbfJ9tXSXDMcAFOAm6kqRPJaj8AO4CyajTC_Lt32_0OLeXqYgNpt3HDqLqGjrb-8fVeQc-hKh0aES8XehQqXj4jMwfsTyj5alsXZm08LwzcFlfQZ7s1kUtmr0_BBNJYcdZUdlu6Qio3LFSRYXNuu6edAO1VH5GKqZISvE1uvDZb2E0Z-rtH-oPp1iSpfvsX47jKJ42LVpI6OahEBri44dzHOIwwm3CIuV8gFzOwR0k" ] }
And the decoded JWT payload has the following form:
{ "files": [ { "name": ".manifest", "hash": "18745de72c01e80cd9f520f418c009ac4d2c3d02b17a50e2d042158bc352a32d", "algorithm": "SHA-256" }, { "name": "policy.rego", "hash": "d0f242aae34db54ef566bea4d45fcf19700c5d8f87a9db932dfad6d1f0f291ac", "algorithm": "SHA-256" }, { "name": "bar/data.json", "hash": "93a23971a914e5eacbf0a8d25154cda309c3c1c72fbb9914d47c60f3cb681588", "algorithm": "SHA-256" } ] }
The "files" field is generated from the files under the directory path(s) provided to the 'sign' command. During bundle signature verification, OPA will check each file name (ex. "foo/bar/data.json") in the "files" field exists in the actual bundle. The file content is hashed using SHA256.
To include additional claims in the payload use the --claims-file flag to provide a JSON file containing optional claims.
For more information on the format of the ".signatures.json" file see
ec opa sign <path> [<path> [...]] [flags]
- -b, --bundle
load paths as bundle files or root directories (Default: false)
- --claims-file
set path of JSON file containing optional claims (see:
- -h, --help
help for sign (Default: false)
- -o, --output-file-path
set the location for the .signatures.json file (Default: .)
- --signing-alg
name of the signing algorithm (Default: RS256)
- --signing-key
set the secret (HMAC) or path of the PEM file containing the private key (RSA and ECDSA)
- --signing-plugin
name of the plugin to use for signing/verification (see
Options inherited from parent commands
- --debug
same as verbose but also show function names and line numbers (Default: false)
- --kubeconfig
path to the Kubernetes config file to use
- --logfile
file to write the logging output. If not specified logging output will be written to stderr
- --quiet
less verbose output (Default: false)
- --timeout
max overall execution duration (Default: 5m0s)
- --trace
enable trace logging, set one or more comma separated values: none,all,perf,cpu,mem,opa,log (Default: none)
- --verbose
more verbose output (Default: false)