ec validate policy

Validate the provided EnterpriseContractPolicy spec== Synopsis

Validate the provided EnterpriseContractPolicy spec against the EnterpriseContractPolicy spec schema used in this version of the ec CLI

ec validate policy [flags]


Validate a local policy configuration file: ec validate policy --policy-configuration policy.yaml

Validate a policy configuration file from a github repository: ec validate policy --policy-configuration


-h, --help

help for policy (Default: false)

-p, --policy

Policy configuration as:

  • file (policy.yaml)

  • git reference (, or

  • inline JSON ('{sources: {…​}}')")

Options inherited from parent commands


same as verbose but also show function names and line numbers (Default: false)


path to the Kubernetes config file to use


file to write the logging output. If not specified logging output will be written to stderr


less verbose output (Default: false)


(Default: false)


max overall execution duration (Default: 5m0s)


enable trace logging (Default: false)


more verbose output (Default: false)